Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Pearls Jewelry Set For Bridesmaids And Flower Girls

A wedding will not be complete without the bridesmaids and flower girls.

The bridesmaids are members of the bride's wedding party in a wedding. A bridesmaid is typically a young woman, and often a close friend or sister. She attends to the bride on the day of a wedding or marriage ceremony. Traditionally, bridesmaids were chosen from unwed young women of marriageable age. Often there is more than one bridesmaid: in modern times the bride chooses how many to ask.

The required duties of bridesmaids are very limited. They are required to attend the wedding ceremony and to assist the bride on the day of the wedding.

In modern times, a bridesmaid is also typically asked to play a role in planning wedding-related events, such as a bridal shower or bachelorette party.

The flower girl, usually an adorable little lady aged three to eight, proceeds down the aisle just before the maid of honor, scattering rose petals along the bridal path. She follows the ring bearer (if there is one), and sometimes she will even precede the bride. Traditionally, she totes a basket full of petals, Also, instead of scattering aforementioned items, she can carry a single bloom, a pomander (a lush ball of flowers), or blow bubbles.

Selecting wedding jewelry for you and your bridesmaids and flower girls is an exciting and joyful part of your wedding day planning.

Pearl bridal jewelry is always in fashion for the bride, bridesmaids, and flower girls.

And Pearls, featured with its charming and mysterious elegance is attracting to a lot of ladies who seek for beauty and fashion. So Swarovski pearls jewelry is perfect for bride and bridesmaids.

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FashionJewelryForEveryone.com - Fashionable Handcrafted Custom Jewelry / Non - Handcrafted Custom Jewelry Necklace Set, Necklaces, Earrings, Bracelets, Hip Hop, Hair Accessories, Brooches made of Swarovski Crystals, Genuine Pearls, Sterling Silver 92.5, Semi Precious Stones, Rhinestones, Shells, Tear drop, Cat Eye, Turquoise, Coral, Agate, Carnelian, Millefiori, Lucite, Boho, Fashion Long beads. Buy Wholesale Handcrafted Jewelry made of Swarovski Crystals, Genuine Pearls Jewelry from us per your Color, Style. We specialize in Handcrafted Custom Jewelry, Non - Handcrafted Custom Jewelry, Custom Bridal Jewelry for all occasions, Wedding, Bridal, Bridesmaid Gifts, Mother's Day, Valentine's Day. We have vast collections of Victorian / Vintage Style, Genuine Pearl Sets, Genuine Crystals, Freshwater Pearl Beaded, Swarovski Crystal Necklaces, Jewelry Sets, Earrings, Bracelets, Chokers.